
The strength and success of any convention rests with it’s dedicated volunteers.
Game & Party is looking for such dedicated volunteers to assist with onsite Registration, hosting Demo tables, helping with Play to Wins, and the Charity Auction. Volunteers who sign up must select a minimum of one time block during the convention.
Volunteers get perks!
We’re looking for Game Masters (GMs) to run events at Game & Party Con! Welcome to the Party! We are honored that you are applying to be a part of our family at Game & Party Con! 12 hours of board games or 4 RPGs will get you a convention badge. After you fill out the “host” form for the games you’d like to teach, we’ll get them approved and contact you with your badge info. You may elect to play in the game or just teach it.
By filling out this application, you confirm that you have read, understood, and will abide by the convention rules and policies. Please read and review our policies on our policies page.