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Convention Policies

Anti-Harassment Policy

Game & Party is a family friendly event and common courtesy is expected from our attendees. Some areas leading to Game & Party event space may be shared with the Hotel; please be respectful to all guests of these locations. As a family friendly convention, we will not tolerate unacceptable behavior.

Unacceptable behaviors include: vulgar, intimidating, harassing, abusive, derogatory, discriminatory, or demeaning conduct by any attendees and convention staff of Game & Party and its related events and functions. Drunkenness, excessive rudeness, and overuse of profanity will also not be accepted.

Harassment includes: offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability; inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces; deliberate intimidation, stalking or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of events; inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Proper Behavior

Convention management reserves the right to deny entry or remove any person from the event behaving in a manner which event management considers disruptive. Engaging in any of these acts puts you at risk for immediate removal from the convention, and a permanent ban from Game & Party in the future.

All of the following constitute grounds for expulsion from the convention without refund:

  • Violating any federal, state, or local laws, facility rules or convention policies
  • Failure to comply with the instructions of staff or the hotel personnel
  • Using anything in a threatening or destructive manner against person or property
  • Endangering the safety of oneself or others
  • Threatening, stealing, cheating or harassing others

Lost & Found

Lost and Found will be located at the Registration Desk until 4 p.m. Sunday. If you have lost an item, please check with the Registration Desk. We will attempt to discover ownership of lost items, and may ask for assistance in this matter.

Cosplay and Weapons

Cosplay is welcome! However, no weapons of any kind, either real or life-like are allowed. Ts may include any such items the convention staff deems inappropriate such as blades, foam weapons, non-medical canes, staves, or walking sticks.


Children must be with their parents or guardians at all times. It is not permissible to have minors roaming freely through the convention space or the hotel. Parents and Guardians in pertaining to their wards/minors: (I) releases Game & Party Convention and its convention partners from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim of course of action of any kind to their minors; (II) authorizes and permits Game & Party Convention and its designees to use their name, voice, likeness, and all reproductions thereof, in all media now and hereafter known for all purposes in perpetuity; and (III) agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the convention.


By being admitted to Game & Party Convention, all attendees and his or her ward(s) and/or guardian(s) hereby: (I) releases Game & Party Convention and its convention partners from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim of course of action of any kind; (II) authorizes and permits Game & Party Convention and its designees to use his or her name, voice, likeness, and all reproductions thereof, in all media now and hereafter known for all purposes in perpetuity; and (III) agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the convention. Flyers or promotional items must be reviewed and approved by the convention before being distributed. We reserve the right to prohibit material at our discretion. If we haven’t approved it in advance, our crew will likely remove the materials and you may be asked to leave.

Game & Party Con is a fun gaming experience in a great hotel. We’ll have crew members around keeping an eye on things, but when it comes down to it your personal security and the safety of your property is your responsibility. Game & Party and its staff are not responsible or liable for any loss of items or property or the physical safety of attendees, volunteers, vendors, or guests. However, we do maintain a “Lost & Found” area at the Registration Desk and will do our best to help reunite you with any lost property if at all possible.

Police will be notified of anyone found stealing or harming another person.

During the convention, you may find yourself at some time or other in front of a camera. We reserve the right to use the likeness of any volunteers, attendees, guests, or vendors in video or still images or audio recording for promotional purposes. By registering or volunteering for TantrumCon, you are consenting to our use of your likeness for such promotional purposes.

Outside food and drink and alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the convention space. You can purchase concessions tickets online before or during the convention, attend events with food, and use the hotel restaurant. Regardless of what you eat/drink, please do so responsibly – clean up your trash.

Finally, remember that Game & Party Con reserves the right to revoke convention badges and have any person(s) removed from the convention/hotel should the need arise.

Additional Exhibitor/Vendor Policies Any person or company who represents professionally at the convention through sponsorship, exhibitor booth, artist, demo, or advertising table, must adhere to all of the policies above. In addition, the display of offensive material or disruptive sounds/music may be cause for removal from the convention.

And now for the really fine print…

All Game & Party Con Attendees shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Game & Party, LLC, and Tabletop Enterprises, LLC, its affiliated corporations, and their respective officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives, and employees from and against any and all costs and expenses, damages, claims, suits, actions, liabilities, losses, and judgments including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and legal expenses, based on, arising out of, or in any way related or connected with the Convention or any other matter or activity directly or indirectly related to the Convention, including but not limited to libel, slander, disparagement, defamation, copyright infringement, invasion of privacy, piracy, plagiarism, or infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right of any third party. This obligation shall continue beyond the length of the convention.


We cannot offer refunds on badges. We understand that sometimes plans change. If you email [email protected] two weeks before the start of the convention, we can transfer your badge to someone else’s name. A financial exchange is your responsibility to transact, bearing in mind that Game & Party Con does not allow attendees to sell badges for a profit.

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